About Me

Who is this so-called ‘Brandon Butler’?

Just some guy.

Oh, specifically? A Canadian, born and raised in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Lived there 28 years before packing up and moving a couple places, then back, then out here to Toronto Ontario, where I’m at now.

I’m a computer programmer; been up to that professionally since 2005, got the degree and everything. Told myself while in school that it was my consolation prize for not becoming an instant overnight writing success – I even thought about becoming a journalist until I realized it wasn’t for me.

But where I’m really at is writing. Science Fiction, Fantasy, and sometimes Horror. I primarily put together short stories, but I’ve been known to try my hand at a screenplay or two. I’ve made a few wild stabs at novels and am thinking about doing so again, but for me there is an advantage to having a sizable body of finished work in a short amount of time.

I hope, if you’re reading this, that you’ve read something of mine, and it entertained you. Or better yet, made you think. That’s the highest achievment of any writer. Hopefully you can find some other stories here that I’ve put out over the years, and I can repeat it all again.

Thanks for driving by. Hope you’re having yourself a great time, wherever and whoever you are.

Most Sincerely,

Brandon Butler, February 2020

Published on 01 Feb 2020 Find me on Twitter!